I'm new to Home Genie. I have a Vera 3 today, but I'm not satisfied with the performance and stability of Vera.
I've tried to get started with HG a couple of times by adding a a couple of Z-Wave devices simple switch, a thermostat (Stella-Z) and a Multi sensor (Fibaro FGMS-001).
Adding the z-Wave swich went just find and I can turn it on/off. Wauv :-)
However the Thermostat does not show up on the Dashboard at all, nor does the Fibaro FGMS-001. Both get added as Z-Wave nodes just fine under "Configure->Settings->ZWave interface Option+Add Node", but that is it.
I get the sense that I'm missing some fundamentals about basic configuring of HG, but looking around the documentation and the forum all I've found so far are more advanced stuff.
Hence, a simple how-to would make a lot of sense.
I'm running HG on a BananaPi with a the AEON ZWave USB stick.
The Newbie