I've read from some users that they use HomeGenie over the internet.
Just a quick heads-up to them (and especially those that use door locks with HomeGenie):
the username / password security that HomeGenie uses isn't very safe, personally I'd just use it on internal network.
what I did to check this: I opened up Fiddler (an http request inspector, free tool) and logged into HomeGenie. When I inspect one of the requests with Fiddler I notice an encoded authorization string (see screenshot).
The string:
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46dGVzdHRlc3Q=
Now, take the encoded part, YWRtaW46dGVzdHRlc3Q=
and past it into
https://www.bing.com/search?q=base64+decoder&FORM=EDGENNand click decode
you'll see my username and password right there.
What I did to get this is not rocket science. It's pretty easy to get to, especially when you've exposed your HG installation over the internet.
I'm not a security expert, so I don't know how to improve this right now, I just wanted to give an heads-up.