If you change Sensor.Temperature.31 to Sensor.Temperature (so without the .31 at the end, you'll get icons instead of text. If you want to keep the 31 you might have to make a custom widget.
Are your widget custom or do I'm using the wrong widget?
I've an antenna as symbol, not a thermometer :-)
Do you mean I should use this:
Program.RaiseEvent(module31, "Sensor.Temperature", N3_DHT11_T.ToString(), "Node01 DHT11 Temperature");
Instead of this:
Program.RaiseEvent(module31, "Sensor.Temperature.31", N3_DHT11_T.ToString(), "Node01 DHT11 Temperature");
Doing this I've obtained the right icons, great.
But now I'm missing the graphs in the ANALYZE tab (Analyze -> Options -> 2.nd drop down window)
Before I was able to identify (even if difficult) the graphs selecting:
What happen if now all are saved with "Temperature"?
How can I identify and select to show graphs?
Another custom name would be better.