Just thought I would report a successful integration of an ESP8266 Wifi node to HG. I am using the ~$10 Adafruit Huzzah version
https://www.adafruit.com/product/2471 I installed Arduino bootloader to the ESP8266 following their instructions; this allows using the Arduino IDE/code/programming.
It is running a tiny web server with two "webpages"; one html shows status for viewing on tablet browser in the house. Second reports json data for easy parsing in HG. Currently I have HG poll this json data every second and then RaiseEvent when something changes.
I have it in my garage, currently with a couple cheap door/window magnetic reed switches for the garage doors, and a DHT11 temperature humidity sensor. Working great except the DHT11 humidity sensor is way off.
To do... maybe have the ESP8266 post to HG via a WebServiceCall so I don't have to poll every second. Add more sensors to the ESP8266: motion detect, better humidity sensor, maybe another door switch to an outside fence gate, etc :-)