I'm seeing the same problem, haven't had much time to look at it (I was planning on doing that this weekend), but here is how I managed to get the update to continue:
Running HomeGenie on Windows 2012R2 with Chrome as my browser client side.
After clicking 'Install Update' it seems to go well, Starting With DOWNLOADING..., COMPRESSING..., COMPLETED...
After that it pauses, usually this is where the 'Install' button lights up, but that doesn't happen in my case.
Workaround: (this works in chrome, haven't tried it in other browsers, but the procedure should be possible.)
- Press F12 for the developer console
- Tab 'Elements'
- Find the button with ID 'configure_system_updateinstall_button'
- Remove the class ui-disabled
The button should now light up and you can then click it.