Ok Sucess in getting it running on the Edison board!
Since yocto is such a minimal system it is a royal pain to get used to!
Here is what I finaly did to get it up and running.
Install Yocto Linux image on the Intel Edison
Edit /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf with the following (other opkg config files don't need any changes):
src/gz all
http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/allsrc/gz edison
http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/edisonsrc/gz core2-32
http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/core2-32Run opkg update
Do not run "opkg upgrade", that will overfill your rootfs and is not an intended use case for this repo.
Upgrade specific packages with just "opkg install <packagename>" if you want to upgrade something.
Then install to your board the latest Kernal.
root@edison1:~# opkg install kernel-module-cp210x
At this point you now can install mono if the above went well!
root@edison1:~# opkg install mono
It will install mono 4.2.2 the most current at this time.
When this is finished you can now install Homegenie.
root@edison1:~# opkg install libusb-1.0-0 alsa-utils lame lirc
Download and copy homegenie_1_1_beta_r522.tgz to your /home/root directory on the edison.
extract Homegenie
tar xzvf homegenie_1_1_beta_r522.tgz
Change to your Homegenie directory and run Homegenie!
cd homegenie
I need to work out it running in the background on this flavor of linux but I have made good progress with this puppy.
It is running much faster on the Edison than the Debian laptop that I have had HG running on.