The device seems to Match with a device of pepper-one-db, but you don't have all "supported class".
You can try :
1/ press "get" in homegenie configuration and wake up your device (usually pressing 3 times the association button, but take a look at your datasheet)
2/ set group id to 1
3/ disassociate and re-associate the device to your stick
I tried what you suggested and no go.
Here;s what I did:
1. Press get on HG
2. Press link button on GD00Z (it's the only button on the unit so I can't really presss the wrong button) and nothing.
3. Excluded the GD00Z
4. Include the GD00Z and then repeated Step 1 and 2. Still nothing.
5. Excluded GD00Z by pressing link 5 times
http://www.nortekcontrol.com/pdf/manuals/GD00Z_Install.pdf6. Hard reset ZStick controller
7. Included the GD00Z and repeated step 1 and 2. Nothing again.
8. Did step 1-7 standing one feet away from the GD00Z. Nothing
Here is the log I downloaded from HG Attached. I see this right before the GD00Z times out:
In sendMsg - SecurityHandler
In sendRequestNonce - SecurityHandler
In sendRequestNonce - not waiting for Nonce - SecurityHandler
Attached is the full log.
Nolio Thanks for the input hopefully the log can put some more instight on why this is not working.