Added 433 Mhz support tonight
Originally I had added 433 support to homegenie using a cheap ebay transmitter connected to an arduino and plug in sockets.
Problem is these are only one way and dont send any thing back..
So, I've got an ESP8266 with two temperature sensors (ds18b20) which post data back to homegenie if the value changes, but can add minimum poll values etc, and make it dynamically configurable from homegenie. (I added two, so that the code supported more than 1!)
You can send commands such as on, off, toggle, flash, status - which erm do as they sound.
And you can now use the original remote to turn them on and off, meaning the other half knows no difference, yet homegenie knows whats going on
Code needs a bit of refactoring now and then got to squeeze the hardware down and fit it inside some more cheapo sockets I got off ebay with no remote as I couldn't find a case in this style (
Got some small 5v PSU's coming, and then will add a 3.3v reg for the esp8266, mount a ds18b20 outside the case, and hope