It looks like the issue is not multiple events so much as that I have an issue with LastValue and LastUpdateTime. I have a timer set up such that if two instances of a given command are received within that elapsed time, a "double trigger" is detected. The issue I have just started seeing is that when a single command is received, my code is detecting it as though it's multiple.
The issue I see is that it appears that the script ID seems to indicate the order in which the code runs. If script1 is ID 1000 and script2 is ID 1001, then I believe script1 will run first. However, if script1 is somehow moved to ID 1002, it will then run second.
As a result to my scripts, if my Advanced Smart Lights runs after LastEvent, the module.Parameter("LastEvent.LastEvent").Value becomes the same as module.Parameter("LastEvent.LastEvent").LastValue and the same goes for UpdateTime and LastUpdateTime. As a result, a single command makes my Advanced Smart Lights script believe that 2 instances of the same command were received at the same time creating a 0 second elapsed time.
I don't know the solution to this other than incorporating a few new parameters into the core HG code. I am looking at this now, but I've never forked code so I don't know how difficult it might be.