With HG v1.1-beta.513 there will be a new way for installing add-ons.
It will be introduced a new Package Installer that is based on a github repository.
The pakcage installer will allow the user to browse packages that are submitted to this repository:
https://github.com/genielabs/homegenie-packagesthe old repository will be dismissed.
The new repository is organized into category folders.
Each packages is contained into it's own folder that consists of any arbitrary number of HGX files but also ZIP archives of widgets and MIG intefaces .
So a package can now consists of more files that will be all installed automatically by the package installer in one go.
Besides its programs/widgets/interfaces files, a package folder must contain a README.md file with a detailed description and instruction for the user and a
package.json file that will tell the package installer what files to install in HG.
This is an example pakcage.json file:
https://github.com/genielabs/homegenie-packages/blob/master/packages/Remote%20Control/Global%20Cache%20IR/package.jsonAny help in adding new packages to the new repository is highly appreciated.
If you're not familiar with github pull requests, just send a ZIP archive containing all the needed files (including the README.md and package.json).
I hope that some of you will also help populating the repository.
Currently the package installer in under development and the "install" button is not working yet, but it will be soon.
I'm also attacching a screenshot of the package installer.