Another question from me, I've setup the Fibaro Roller Shutter successfully and everything works fine with my Awning from the HomeGenie web interface.
Close, Open and selecting a percentage to open work fine, the only thing I'm missing is a Stop or Pause command as I would like to control the shutter with a Z-Wave toggle switch. Basically I want to be able to stop the shutter at any point while it is opening.
After clicking the button for Command Shutter ON the shutter opens, to stop it I have tried the following:
- Sending Command Shutter ON again - sunscreen keeps opening.
- Sending Command Shutter OFF - sunscreen closes.
- Sending Command Shutter TOGGLE - sunscreen closes.
Does anyone know how to send a stop command to the shutter? When connected to a physical switch with S1 and S2 the shutter stops as soon as a new command is sent, so it must be possible somehow.