I am trying to get my Thermostats Working, and in that process I am wondering how the timetable fit into this regarding thermostats.
I can set from 1-10 different timetables, but what is used when?
I can enable Timetable on each of my thermostats, but which one is it using?
I can write a number in the Thermostats setup for each of the following: Weekend, Work days, Holidays and Special days, but what am I supposed to write in the fields?
My goal is actually to turn down the heat at night, but shut it off completely, but maybe have 21C in the day time and 18C at night time.
How can I accomplish this?
Hope someone is able to answer my questions.
Best Regards
Like some other uses, I am still confused on the possible
combined use of the Thermostat
and timetable function.
I can successfully control my switches by timetable
or by a manual thermostat setting but not in a combined timetable thermostat mode (1.1 beta r498).
My target functionality is to have be able to program a set point at pre defined time slots eg;
Mon through Friday (Workdays in say timetable 1)
* 06:30 to 8:30 say Stat set at temp1
* 08:80 to 17:00 say Stat at temp2
* 17:00 to 21:00 say Stat at temp3
* 21:00 to 24:00 say Stat at temp4
Sat Through Sunday (Weekend in say timetable 1)
* 06:30 to 8:30 say Stat set at temp5
* 08:80 to 17:00 say Stat at temp6
* 17:00 to 21:00 say Stat at temp7
* 21:00 to 24:00 say Stat at temp8
So a Thermostat timetable can be programmed with OFF to Away but there seems no way to program a stat with a Set point value? Am I missing something.
Tanks in anticipation,