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Author Topic: SSD 1306 OLED Display + Eden demo app  (Read 2320 times)

December 20, 2014, 08:25:43 PM
Read 2320 times


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    • Yet Another Programmer

this is the app for controlling an SSD 1306 OLED display attacched to Raspberry Pi I2C.

The following is the implemented API.

Calling from HTTP

clear the display

inverted mode (black foreground on white background)

normal mode (white foreground on black background)

Turn display On

Turn display Off

Position the cursor at <x> row (0-15) and <y> column (0-7)

Draw HomeGenie logo

Display <text>. Optionally the text is aligned if <align> is set to LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER.

Display big number (used for displaying sensor values and such)

Calling from an automation program

Code: [Select]
var oled = Modules.InDomain("Components.Ssd1306").WithAddress("0");
oled.Command("Oled.DrawText").Execute("Hello World!/CENTER");

Also there's the Eden demo app that is using the display for showing temperature, luminance, outside weather and date.

The attacched apps are now included by HomeGenie update r450, so no need to download them if you update HG.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 01:35:47 PM by Gene »

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