If you broke the web interface, your best bet is to log in to the Raspi directly and restart the HG service.
sudo service homegenie restart
If it's still broken, you would then need to stop HG and kill the program.
sudo service homegenie stop
navigate to your HG programs folder at /usr/local/bin/homegenie/programs
Delete the dll for the program that you just created. If you don't know which one it is, you can safely delete all 1000+ dll files. Do not delete anything with a number less than 1000 as these are compiled and provided with HG. You can recover them, but there's no need. If you have only compiled one user program, it will be the file called 1000.dll or 1001.dll.
sudo rm 100*.dll
restart HG
sudo service homegenie start
Now you can navigate to the web interface and fix your program.