I am fairly new to HG but I am making progress slowly. I would like to use Boxcar 2 for HG to send notices to. To send a notification, you just have to send a POST HTTPS request to the following endpoint:
https://new.boxcar.io/api/notifications. But I have not seen any examples of sending a POST. There is also the following syntax of using curl with parameters:
curl -d "user_credentials=ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-d "notification[title]=message title" \
-d "notification[long_message]=<b>Some text or HTML for the full layout page notification</b>" \
-d "notification[sound]=bird-1" \
-d "notification[source_name]=My own alert" \
 -d "notification[icon_url]=http://new.boxcar.io/images/rss_icons/boxcar-64.png" \

https://new.boxcar.io/api/notificationsCan anyone help me with how to make this work in HG?