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Author Topic: Home / Away application  (Read 2217 times)

November 05, 2014, 07:50:12 PM
Read 2217 times


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  • Posts: 17
I have put together an app that will turn on selected devices when a person comes home and turns them off when leaving. It will work for multiple users, each one can be given a custom name in the module options.

The app is controlled by Web Service calls. The first parameter is the name of the person and the second is the status, Home(1) | Away(0).


Modules can be added to a person's home/away action by checking the feature in the module option (picture). Additional actions will be run if there exists a program with the name of structure "NAME Home" / "NAME Away". For example a program named "MickEE Home" will also be run in my case.

My Android phone with Takser installed will recognize when I come or leave home. The app will then make a HTTP-get to the given URL.

Known Issues:
I have not found a way to remove program parameters and features, which means old names will be stored after new ones are inserted. If you know how to reset parameters/features, please let me know.

June 24, 2015, 08:10:12 AM
Reply #1


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Hi, MickEE

What would the advantage be using this over "Ping me at Home"?