Those require a microprocessor to transmit the data. In order to transmit a temperature for instance, you would basically need a temperature sensor, a controller (Arduino nano for example), and the transmitter and then a receiver and controller to receive the data. In order to have it work, you would also need to write some code to transmit and receive for each end.
Not only is this possible, but there are many examples of doing just this on the forums. However, I would caution that unless you are looking at something that is not already available in a wireless sensor, you might be better off purchasing off the shelf sensors (think weather station 433MHz type) and then concentrating on using an Arduino or Raspi with a 433MHz receiver to decode. There are several advantages to this including: warranty, weatherproofing, less development time/cost, most likely cheaper depending on how you source things, etc.
I'm actually looking at adding some localized weather info to my HG setup right now. From what I've found through research, it is far easier to buy an off the shelf weather station that has been decoded and drivers developed and a 433MHz superheterodyne receiver than to build something myself and then figure out how to handle weatherproofing etc.
Obviously, if you are looking at something that's not already available, you are in a different boat. But, it's not as simple as soldering a transmitter onto a sensor and having it work.