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Author Topic: Home Energy Monitor breakout numbers?  (Read 370 times)

July 06, 2016, 11:21:56 PM
Read 370 times


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  • Posts: 4
Sorry if I'm missing an easy win with the search but I didn't find anything.

I've got an Aeon Labs 2 clamp power meter.  Working great.  Paired Great. 

I see the generic "Node3" Zwave module.  - Now for the questions.

  • I change the attributes for what is returned but I still just get Watts I view it on the screen.  I see the little update window pop up when it polls (I presume) with the other bits of information but I can't seem to change what is displayed?
  • I'm able to get the graph to show total watts (sweet!) But it seems only one graph can be selected at once?  I went in to add the module a second time with a different measured attribute - but it won't show up to select while it's already on the dashboard.
  • How do I change what the little "default" module shows?  Ideally (energy FREAK!) I'd love to have Total Watts, Watt1 Watts2 (I know which big appliances run on which pole so I'd like to notice spikes at this level) and KWh.  All in separate modules (or in one, but I don't like to wait for things to cycle, I'd rather scroll or have them all in one group.

If I've missed an easy article and have lost my googling skills please feel free to inform me!  Otherwise I'd love to know how to do this - and I'm happy to just receive links to "how-to" articles or other forum posts.  Wasting energy answer questions already answered is a pet peeve.  (SEE?? Wasted Energy is worthless!!)

Thanks all!

Edit--The Aeon Labs is the version 1 that doesn't measure voltage - I just input 120 for testing purposes - although I might advance this as I go.  (first things first right?)

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