I'm after a software platform as a starting point for a specific task, but would be great if it were able to cater for other things, so wondering if HomeGenie would meet these requirements?
So I basically want to:
a) in first instance extend the platform to monitor a feed of solar data & trigger remote switches based on logic (see below)
b) perform it via extending an existing home automation piece of software that:
- supports for X-wave, X10 etc out of the box
- support monitoring over internet (browser based - i expose my webserver via port forwarding - does not have )
- ideally would be open-source (but otherwise highly extensible closed source)
- extensibility mechanism would need to have flexibility of some language support (if/then, etc)
Specific initial requirement details:
[1] Receive a feed of input data from power consumption/solar generation:
- from these devices
http://www.currentcost.com/products.html - it is possible to get a feed of this data into a PC via USB cable
[2] Process this data: My code (where I extend the platform) would review every few minutes and make decisions re switches devices on/off
[3] Trigger remote Power Switches (Z-wave)