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Author Topic: MQTT plot example?  (Read 1060 times)

May 14, 2015, 06:00:21 PM
Read 1060 times


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Is there an example code available for how set up an MQTT client and generating a plot with HG's built in system?

Background info:

I have an Arduino set up to receive RF signals from 2 different systems (power monitor, weather station), decode the data, and print to serial.  The next step is to take the decoded data and 1) store it locally, 2) visualize data in HG (or another system linked within HG), 3) (optionally) publish data to cloud storage (pachube, WU, etc).

Currently, I'm just starting on step 1.  It seems that just using an UNO with Ethernet shield would keep the decoding decoupled from the RPi so power etc wouldn't be an issue.  My plan would be to install an MQTT broker on the RPi and store the data on the Windows server.  The Arduino would need an MQTT client as would the RPi within HG to receive the data, but I see the MqttClientHelper Class which looks like it takes care of the client within HG. 

The alternative is to use an Arduino connected to the RPi and let HG receive the data from it directly.  I was originally planning on installing something like the OpenEnergyMonitor for RPi or a Moteino.  But, I already have the components to make the UNO so I'm initially going to do that and maybe switch later if this is clumsy or unreliable.

So, is there an example of setting up a client and then generating a plot?

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