Hi all!
I have a problem with my Z-Wave devices. In my current setup I plan to use two Fibaro Wall Plugs (FGWPF-102) and one MultiSensor 6 device from Aeon Labs (5C14-04S).
The MultiSensor 6 shall be used to control the two Wall Plugs based on the included motion sensor.
To connect the Z-Wave devices to HomeGenie (installed on a BeagleBone Black) I use an USB Z-Wave.me USB Stick. So far so good.
For some reason I have some problems adding the nodes to HomeGenie and I need some advise on how to debug the Z-Wave network.
First question: How can I be sure, that the Z-Wave USB stick is working correctly? In the section Settings/Z-Wave under ports I only see ttyS0-ttyS5. As far as I know the Z-Wave.me stick is /dev/ttyACM0. So I added this port manualy. I hope this was correct, at least the led of the stick is active.
Second question: If I start the pairing process, I constanly get a timeout in the "Add Node" window although sometimes a pop up messages tells me that a node has been added. Also if I use "Discovery", HomeGenie sometimes tells me that Node 2 has been updated. If I try to add a module to a group, there is one Z-Wave device in the list. Is there an other way to get a full list of all detected Z-Wave nodes?
Third question: If I add the node mentioned in question 2 to a group, which is the correct setup for a wall plug? I tried using the Swich/intelligent lights Widget but only get response timeouts all the time.
Any help would be appreciated!
Kind Regards,