To be honest I dont think that Ip does anything currently..
Import HGX file... (until I work out how to do this in the interface)
Disable upnp..
reboot (would say restart, but lets keep it simple)
Start service, monitor the logs, you should then be able to tell alexa to "discover" you should then see it find devices..
Bear in mind I'm using a rpi 3, I havent tested on anything other than a PC using the console test app, on that you need to run with admin permissions and I would suggest disabling the firewall as you will need UDP/1900 and TCP/8080 inbound.. but test by disabling so you can rule that out and ensure all is good.
the code currently only looks for switches and lights so you will need at least one switch or light for it to discover..
Any changes required let me know or submit a Pull req..