r515 scheduler issue, similar to described in this thread, except it's not @sunset, it's a standard schedule 30 6 * * * (6:30am every day). It's used by a wizard script to send a control.off to the basic alarm system. The scheduled event does not occur AND the schedule program turns itself off (goes from a tick mark to triangle-exclamation-mark). I have tried just turning the schedule program back on, but it gets turned back off. I've tried deleting the schedule, added a new one, edited the wizard script - same result. Happens consistently. In the logs, I saw one recursion error, but this failure has happened a number of times with no log error. I have another wizard script to turn the system on at a scheduled time and it had the same issue in that it did not run and turned the schedule off once; however, with this one, I turned the schedule back on and it's been running as expected.