Hello Generoso
I am new at this also. Am learning the HomeGenie User Interface. Have been at it for a week now with some minor success.
The User Interface would be more user friendly if all functionalities were presented in a categorized fashion using branching.
I have purchased from Aeotec;
One - Z-Wave stick Series 2.
Five - Door/Window (2nd edition) Sensors.
One - Multi Sensor.
And one Raspberry Pi.
Hello Hemal
So far HomeGenie is recognizing the presence all 6 devices through the Z-Wave Stick.
When I click the following sequence... Home/Configure/Groups and Modules/"Monitoring Devices"(I named this)/Z-Wave Node 17/ZWave 17 - Settings/the [Setup] button, I do get this... "Manufacturer Specific = 0086:0002:001D" displayed in the first line of the page that pops in. The same code is displayed for all 6 devices. The second line shows this "Sensor Binary, Battery, Wake Up, Alarm, Configuration, Association".
This is where I am stuck.
What can I do next, to somehow, on some page display the Opened or Closed status for each device? And all four status conditions from the Multisensor?
Kind regards,