This is a small program you can import in HomeGenie from Configure->Automation section and will add 8 modules that will control Raspberry GPIOs and so any led or relay connected to them.
1) enter the RaspberrySharp group in Automation section then from Actions menu choose Import Program and select the attached hgx file;
2) after importing the program, click it in the list and go to Edit Source Code, then from Actions menu select the Update option (this is required only the first time a new program is imported):
3) go back to the program list and click again the GPIO program, that will now display configuration options:
Each GPIO can be configured as input (IN), output (OUT) or can be disabled (OFF).
GPIOs configured as IN are mapped to a Sensor module with a Status.Level field displaying current pin level (0, 1).
GPIOs configured as OUT are mapped to a Switch module that can be controlled with on/off commands.
After changing the configuration it is required to disable and re-enable the program in order to make it load the new settings.
Program enabling/disabling can be done by simply clicking on the rounded button you see to the right side of the list.
4) go back to the Configure->Group and Modules section and now you can add the GPIOs modules to a Control group:
5) go back to the Home->Control section and you will now able to control the GPIO connected device =)
Note that if in the system there are other applications that are using the GPIOs allocated by the program, it will stop with an error. In this case, you have to set already allocated GPIOs to OFF.
If you have enabled the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface from Configure->System and Interfaces, disable it since it is deprecated and probably not even working in latest HG release.
EDIT1: Updated GPIO program hgx that now let user customize pins as input or output (2014-04-08 00.22)