1) Flash Debian image to card via Win32DiskImager (2016-11-25-raspbian-jessie-lite.img) 2) If using a lite version of jessie and after Nov 2016, ssh is disabled by default. In order to log in remotely, you need to add a file to the card. Navigate to the SD and create a file called "ssh" at the root. If this does not work for you, connect the RPi to a keyboard and monitor, log in locally, change the ssh settings within raspi-config. Or, install an older version. 3) connect to RPi on port 22 If using DHCP, check your router or use a network sniffer like Fing (Android) to locate the RPi. 4) change to DHCP sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces change 'iface eth0 inet manual' to 'iface eth0 inet dhcp 5) basic configuration sudo raspi-config * 1 Expand Filesystem - reboot * 2 Change User Password (optional) * 4 Wait for Network at Boot - Slow (enable if you want to have logging to a samba share) * 5 International options - Change locale disable en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 enable en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 default locale en_US.UTF-8 - Change time zone (US / Pacific-new) - Change keyboard layout (??? broken ???) sudo reboot 6) Install needed utilities/update system sudo apt-get install gdebi-core rpi-update sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo rpi-update 7) Set up SSL certificates sudo apt-get install mono-complete sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo certmgr -ssl smtps://smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465 sudo certmgr -ssl smtps://smtp.gmail.com:465 confirm setup: echo "" | openssl s_client -tls1 -showcerts -connect smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465 *** yahoo and most likely google require an app specific password *** 8) Install HG sudo wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/homegenie/files/homegenie-beta_1.1.r500_all.deb sudo gdebi homegenie-beta_1.1.r500_all.deb ln -s /usr/local/bin/homegenie/log /home/pi/. *** OPTIONAL *** sudo nano /usr/local/bin/homegenie/startup.sh change: sudo $MONO HomeGenie.exe >/dev/null 2>&1 to: sudo $MONO HomeGenie.exe >/usr/local/bin/homegenie/log/mono.log 2>/dev/null Log on to HG via web browser restore HG backup 9) file sharing (samba) http://raspberrywebserver.com/serveradmin/share-your-raspberry-pis-files-and-folders-across-a-network.html sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf change: workgroup = your_workgroup_name wins support = yes add to end of file: [pihome] comment= Pi Home path=/home/pi browseable=Yes writeable=Yes only guest=no create mask=0777 directory mask=0777 public=no sudo smbpasswd -a pi (add password such as "raspberry") 10) map log directory to file server sudo mkdir /mnt/log sudo mount -t cifs -o guest //RAID-STATION/Array1/Misc/HomeAutomation/HomeGenie/log /mnt/log *** NOT WORKING *** sudo nano /etc/fstab //RAID-STATION/Array1/Misc/HomeAutomation/HomeGenie/log /usr/local/bin/homegenie/log cifs guest 0 0 broken: //RAID-STATION/Array1/Misc/HomeAutomation/HomeGenie/log /usr/local/bin/homegenie/log cifs guest 0 0 working on older installation: \\RAID-STATION\Array1\Misc\HomeAutomation\HomeGenie\log /usr/local/bin/homegenie/log cifs currently requires the following to work: sudo mount -a *** NOT WORKING *** 11) APCUPS sudo apt-get install apcupsd sudo nano /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf UPSNAME UPS1 UPSCABLE usb UPSTYPE usb DEVICE sudo nano /etc/default/apcupsd ISCONFIGURED=yes sudo service apcupsd restart 12) backup utility (RPI-CLONE) git clone https://github.com/billw2/rpi-clone.git sudo cp rpi-clone/rpi-clone /usr/local/sbin Backup to usb flash drive: sudo rpi-clone sda Restore everything: (untested!) sudo rpi-clone sda sdb 13) MQTT software (Mosquitto) Guide: http://mosquitto.org/2013/01/mosquitto-debian-repository/ wget http://repo.mosquityto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo wget http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-wheezy.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients Watch incoming MQTT messages: mosquitto_sub -t "#" -v Publish MQTT: mosquitto_pub -t test/test -m test